Five Simple Tips To Help You Overcome Creative Block

What is creative block?

Every artist has dealt with creative blocks at one time or another. Creative block is when you just can’t bring yourself to make anything work, creatively. It is also known as artist block. As an artist, you might just feel uninspired, or like everything you touch seems to go wrong and turn into a pile of garbage. This post is for when nothing is seeming to work. Maybe you are frustrated, maybe you are just ready to give up. This post is for when you are not ready to create. If you are feeling inspired and ready to deal with procrastination see my other post for 5 Creative Ideas To Try Right Now. 

Why does Creative Block Happen?

Creative block can happen when you feel:

  • Uninspired
  • Overly Stressed
  • Overworked
  • Demotivated

Below you will find a few tips and tricks that will help you get over that wall standing in the way of you and your creative juices. So what are you waiting for? Let’s have a look at some simple ways you can deal with creative block.

Accept you have creative block 

As they say, the first step to overcoming your problems is to accept you have one, and that is OK! These days, especially with social media, artists are put under a lot of pressure to be creating all the time. It might seem like other successful artists are creating something new and exciting every day. The problem is that sometimes pressuring yourself to perform is actually the thing getting you down. It is Ok if you don’t create something today. The world will go on. There, I said it.

Don’t just sit at your desk all day giving yourself a hard time!

Do something else you love

A lot of the inspiration that we get for our art comes from connections with things we love. Love baking? Make a cake and decorate it. Love reading? Get out your favourite books for another read through and highlight your favourite quotes. Love music? Listen to your favourite songs from when you were young. Find inspiration from other sources that bring you joy. Watching my favourite tv shows or movies are my go-to!

Put the projects aside and pick up your tools

Sometimes creating might seem overwhelming if you’re stressed out. Sometimes when you have been creating for work or other projects you can get caught up on producing and lose the “fun”. You also might feel like you can’t find any clarity on what you want to create. I find that going back to basics helps. If you’re a photographer, pick up your camera and focus on light. If you’re a painter, pick up your paint brush and paint some colour palettes, focusing on colour.

When you focus on your tools of the trade (or elements/principles of art), it’s much easier to stay focused and find your passion again. Remember this is all about getting past that creative block. So if you take anything out of this exercise, you win! 

Not only is focusing on one element of your practice a good way to learn something new it is also very freeing and relaxing!

Step away from your studio

It is nice to have a creative space, but that doesn’t necessarily mean your studio. Stepping away from your studio can help by just giving you a quick change of scenery and putting you in a new situation. Get outside and go to your favourite cafe. Take a break from the routine and the environment that is stressing you out. Feel the sun on your face, watch the rain fall. People watch on a busy city street or watch a sunset. It is Ok to take a break!

This image shows a garden walk as an option to fix creative block
For me, nothing cures creative block like going outside for a walk on a sunny day.


The ultimate creative block! This is an extreme version of Stepping Away From Your Studio but it works. Studies have shown that traveling makes you more creative. You can read about Five Useful Ways Travel Can Make You A Better Artist. Travel is great for dealing with creative block if you are just feeling completely unmotivated and uninspired. I travel to not only find inspiration and ideas but also to relax. If you’re more relaxed, you’re more likely to be open to creative ideas and be re-energised and motivated to create when you return back to the studio.

Think of traveling as research for your passion.


There are many ways you can overcome your creative block

In conclusion, the best way to deal with a creative block is to accept that you have it, step away, pick your favourite way to relax and find that inspiration in other things you love. Motivation will come. And if it does not come today, that is OK. Try again tomorrow. If you found this helpful make sure you reach out to me and let me know!

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