Childfree Holidays: How Being Childfree Can Make Travel More Affordable

The life of a childfree traveller

Being childfree has many benefits, but one of my favourites is how it can make travel so affordable. I have never wanted children. When I open up and confess this (society’s view on childfree women demands guilt and shame), people’s reactions seem to be complete, and utter, shock. I’m usually met with some version of the following reactions: “But, you’re a teacher – you’re supposed to love children!”, “But you’re so great with kids!” “But you’d make a great mother!” “But who is going to take care of you when you’re old?”.

Yes, I do love children. Yes, I am great with kids (my teaching career depended on it!). But no, I would not make a good mother, because I simply do not want to have my own children.

The term ‘childfree’ refers to a lifestyle choice of individuals or couples (usually DINKS – Dual Income No Kids) who choose not to have children by choice. This is different from being ‘childless’, which refers to someone who wants to have children but is unable to do so for various reasons. People who choose to be childfree may do so for a variety of reasons, such as wanting to focus on their careers, personal interests, relationships, or simply not feeling a desire to have children. Usually, it’s a mix of all of these. It is a personal choice and should be respected like any other lifestyle choice. Personally, my decision to be childfree is simply because when I think about what I would like to achieve in life, it does not involve having a child.

What you will find here:

For this post, I’m going to focus on being childfree. That is because I talk about what I know, but also because people who are childless do not choose to be so. This post is all about how choosing to be childfree can help you to meet your travel goals. So, how can being childfree help you afford travel? Read on, and let me open your eyes to a new way of living. Are you already childfree? You can also find my post about other Ways You Can Afford To Go Travelling.

This shows two women on a beach with pink sand and pink and blue hue sky with a plane in the cloud. It reads 'People having babies and I'm over here deciding which country to go to next'.
Illustration by Saralou.

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The Obvious: Fewer Expenses:

When you do not have children, it is so much easier to budget for trips. You will not have to worry about paying for their travel expenses, such as airfare, accommodation, food, childcare, and activities. These expenses can quickly add up, especially if you’re travelling with more than one child. Not only that, choosing to not have children makes it easier to save for a trip. It costs an Australian around AUD$8,000 on average to raise a child. I know what I’d rather spend 8k on each year: travel. Or food. Or literally anything else.

This shows a woman who does childfree travel standing in a yellow dress outside a hotel.
By not having children, I can treat myself to a nice hotel.

No Compromising

Although a trip to Disneyland does sound like fun, a trip to Peppa Pig World for a 3 year old’s birthday party probably isn’t what you have in mind when you hear the word ‘fun‘. When you have kids, that is one more person who is going to have an opinion on where you travel, where you stay, and what you do. And whilst a partner might just give you the cold shoulder if you drag them along to an attraction they are not interested in, a child will be far more vocal with their judgement. No thanks. Being childfree gives you the freedom to do you, when you want, and how you want.


Having children limits your flexibility, too. Gone are the days where you could jump on the train on a whim and see where it takes you. When you have children, you will need to take their needs into account such as school term dates, school trips, and family visits. If you choose to be childfree, you will have more flexibility to travel during off-peak seasons or take advantage of last-minute deals. You can also be more flexible with your travel plans, which can help you save money on transportation and accommodation.

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Lower Accommodation Costs

When I envision my childfree vacation away with my partner, it usually involves romance. A candlelit dinner, a rose petal bath, or a lazy breakfast in bed. It does not include a kid climbing into our bed from their nearby sofa-bed nagging us to get up in the morning. When you have children, you can basically give a kiss goodbye to privacy whilst travelling. On top of that, many hotels charge extra fees for additional occupants, including children. By being childfree, you can save money on accommodation costs by booking smaller, less expensive rooms or rentals. Plus, if you’re travelling solo you can score even cheaper rooms as you can book the smallest room!

This shows a woman who does childfree travel looking at the pool at a hotel.
My partner and I were able to stay in a beautiful private villa in Bali in the honeymoon suite. It was not our honeymoon!

More Opportunities

Ever been in a beautiful restaurant or museum and been distracted from the beauty by some screaming, unsupervised, bored, children? Well, that is because their parents didn’t have a choice, they had to bring them (or not go – but they couldn’t do that now, could they?). Having children can limit your travel options. If you have kids and you go somewhere that is not child-friendly, you’ll be judged by other patrons for ruining everyone’s visit. When you don’t have children, you have more freedom to choose destinations and activities that may be more interesting or not appropriate for kids. Being childfree opens your travels up to so many opportunities you would have to say no to otherwise; a random connection with a stranger, a spontaneous day-trip, or staying out all night and exploring the town.

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Verdict: Choosing to be childfree is a lifestyle choice that can really help your wallet

Of course, there are many other factors to consider when deciding whether or not to have children, and travel affordability is just one of them. But for those who do choose to be childfree, it can be a perk that allows for more affordable and flexible travel opportunities. Are you childfree? Do you enjoy childfree vacations? I’d love to connect! Find me at instagram: apicturesquelife. Lets be friends!


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