Starting a Blog in 2024: Why Blogging is The Best

Is it worth starting a blog in 2024?

Blogging is not dead! I’ve been blogging about travel, intentional living, and creativity for a year and I have come to realise that blogging is far more enjoyable and profitable than social media will ever be for me. Let me explain.

A lot of people will tell you that blogging is just a past time of millennials and not cool anymore, but I am here to tell you that blogs are still relevant and are consistently used by people looking to hear what you think!

What you will find here

I’ve been blogging consistently for all of 2023 and here you will find everything that I have learned. Of course there are disadvantages to running a blog (time, money) but if you are really looking for a creative outlet then there are so many pros of blogging. I try to be as transparent as possible so please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


It is yours. No one can take it away from you.

If you have been using social media for more than a decade you will know that times change and platforms change. This means that as soon as a new platform appears, or a new trend arises, you’ll be expected to make changes too in order to regain a following on a new platform . 

For instance, if you have built a following on Instagram and then suddenly Zuckerberg decides that he is going to release a new platform (coughThreadscough), you might find yourself in a situation where you are having to work on getting a whole new following. 

If you’ve been using Instagram for a while you know that many people have been frustrated with the reach that the posts are getting because posts are no longer being shown to the majority of followers. The great thing about having a blog is that you don’t have to worry about this because the blog is yours and no one can take it away from you. As long as you keep paying for hosting the new domain, your blog will be going for as long as you want!

You can design it how you like. 

Everyone loves to talk about how great Myspace was – well blogging is even a better way to express yourself! If you learn the skill of web design the options are endless (which is one of the biggest pros of blogging). Most blogging platforms such as WordPress give you the option of using premade themes so you don’t have to start from scratch if you don’t want to.. You could even hire somebody to design it for you! My blog is not only a portfolio not only of my writing and photography, but also an example of my skills as a digital product designer, which is my day job!


You aren’t constantly worrying about appeasing the algorithm.

You might get really frustrated with the almighty algorithm because it impacts who you get to reach. The thing that you need to understand is that Meta, TikTok and the like are completely aware of how the algorithm works and how it impacts you as a user. 

I know you don’t want to hear this, but it’s supposed to work that way. Meta does not want to give you access to all of your followers and make it easy for new users to see your content because that would not make money. They make money through the frustration that you feel when you do not reach followers. They want you to feel desperate enough to boost your post. When you have a blog you have access to all your subscribers. 

One of the pros of blogging is that you can send your followers notifications every time that you create a new post and as long as you don’t anger search engines like Google by posting content that is not approved (they have a list), there’s no reason why you wouldn’t be listed on search engines.

This shows a phone with A Picturesque Life's instagram feed open for the blog Starting a Blog in 2024
Put your time and creativity towards something rewarding, like a blog!

No more moving around. You have a home now.

Remember all those posts you put on Facebook? Where are they now? Probably lost in the abyss of the internet. One of the pros of blogging is that since you’re paying for hosting, everything that you store on your website is yours and it is in one spot and it will always be there ( as long as you keep paying for it of course).

Having a domain is also professional and a great way to share your work if you plan to do freelance work. Of course you can always use social media to direct traffic to your blog but you won’t have to rely on it anymore. One of the pros of blogging is that your friends, family, and followers will always know where to find you.


Blogging is better than social media

You will have much more control over your blog than you will with any social media. When considering the pros of blogging, I think that it is important to remember that if you are serious about an idea, a blog is best because it will always be yours and it is a professional way to share your work.

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I’d love to hear your thoughts! If you’re on Instagram, you can find me over here: @apicturesquelife so feel free to reach out or use #apicturesquelife and I’d be happy to connect!


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